Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What I've learned in 43 years.....

It's been a while since I've written. Oh how I've missed it! It gives me an outlet to work through my feelings, which sometimes get swept under the rug, while I'm dealing with everyone else's feelings! Ha! I have to say that even when I'm not blogging (a.k.a working though life by writing) I'm still blogging in my head. I've learned to process things fully, instead of spewing my first reaction, which, let's face it, can be illogical, unflattering and downright divisive. In the past few years, I have grown as a person. I have learned that life is one amazing opportunity. I've learned that you need to have goals, you need to be kind, and you need to not ever put so much stock into one person that you lose yourself. (As wives and moms, we do this a lot.)

I've come so far since the heartbreak that left me crumpled on the floor of my closet, wondering how I was going to pull it together and act like everything would be fine. I've learned so much from when I was at my lowest point, feeling like I had Just. Lost. Everything. In fact, I've learned so much, that this little blurb won't do it justice (guess I'll have to write a book) ;) But, in light of the fact that I just had a birthday (Thank you, God for another year) and I had a beautiful morning to write, I thought I'd share what I've learned in this life so far.

Always be kind. Even when you don't want to me, it will feel better later.

Always be working toward a goal. Coasting can be mistaken for contentment.... you can be content and still have goals. Really.

Enjoy the journey. Don't ever get so swamped down by the details that you forget to enjoy your life today.

Be thankful. Even on days when you think there's nothing to be thankful for. Find something, and thank Him.

Love. Love with all of your heart. (In reality...this is all that matters.) With love comes kindness, respect, and happiness.

Accept. Accept people for who they are right now. People cannot give you what they don't have. You need to be able to accept those you love for who they are. Don't try to change them. That's not love.

Accept. Accept that you cannot make someone feel a certain way. Either they do or they don't. If they don't, accept it and move on.

Don't worry. It does no good. It's a waste of your time. Have faith. Give your worry to God. He will take it from you and replace it with faith, trust and hope.

Being a mother is hard. Rewarding, but hard. Love your kids and realize that you are not perfect, and they will love you anyway. (Way too much to insert here... I feel a Mother's Day blog coming on.) ;)

Don't give your opinion to those who haven't asked for it. Seriously, most people do not want to hear your opinion, they want to hear their own opinion, told back to them in order to reinforce their own thoughts. If they  do ask, be honest. It's your opportunity to kindly offer them another point of view.

No matter what you're doing, do it well. Whether at work or at home, have pride in what you do, and do it to your best ability. Half-assing is not acceptable. No likes a half-asser ;)

Have integrity. This speaks for itself. 

Don't be judgmental.  Everyone has to walk their own path. You walk your path.... let them walk theirs.

Forgive. Even those who haven't asked for it. Just forgive. It feels better.

The beauty you have inside will show though... when you're truly happy, it shows.

Be true to yourself. Do not give up your dreams so that someone else can have theirs.

Give what you can, when you can. It feels good, whether it's your time, talents, or to others is very rewarding...teach this to your kids. They need to know what giving feels like.

Teach your kids to do for themselves. They will be rewarded with a great feeling of accomplishment, and you will be rewarded with time to read, take a bubble bath, go for a walk, etc..... ;)

Read. No matter what it is, just read. I read everything from The Bible, to Cosmo and every kind of thing in between. It's learning and experiencing through the eyes of someone else.... it opens your eyes to so many things the world has to offer.

Care about your health. Care about your body. It's the only one you have. It needs to last. Care for yourself, so you can continue to care for those you love.

Realize that when you are crumpled on the floor, experiencing the worst heartbreak you can imagine, thinking that your life is over, your life is not over. That life may be over, but there is  much more life to come. Happiness is a choice. Every single day, it's a choice. Be yourself, live for your dreams, love those around you, and let go of those who cannot give you what you need. Life is a series of choices. Sometimes good choices, and sometimes not so great, but it's your choices that have lead you to where you are today. If you don't like it, change it. You are not stuck. Set goals, take baby steps. Make your life what you want it to be. You can!  Always have goals....big, small, long term, and even just goals for today. Have a purpose.Your life can be what you want it to be.

Life's short. Buy the shoes ;)