Monday, March 19, 2012

taking a break...


The kids are gone for Spring break. I don't know if I'll ever get used to that.  I hate sending them away, but, by the same token, I know they need to see their dad, and it's good for mom to have some "grown up" time. I know I've said this before, but this is definitely the worst part of divorce. Families aren't meant to be apart. It's so unnatural for a mama to send her babies away. It's something that I really don't think will ever seem normal to me. That being said, I'm definitely going to enjoy the down time with Shanon. I love that man. He would stand on his head, naked, on Green Street, if he thought it would make me happy..... hmmmm.....???

This trip to their Dad's should prove to be very interesting. Miss Mail Order has been delivered to the U.S.  So, step mama should be getting her wake up call right about now... good luck with the Beal kids, Mrs. Beal....hope you don't have jet lag. Have a nice spring break. Enjoy my children....consider them your welcome to the U.S.... and yes, I know you're an avid reader of my blog...I mean how many other people in the Philippines are really very interested in my life? So welcome.... hope the U.S. is everything you thought it would be.

I know I've talked a lot in this blog about how I'm growing, as a person. How all I've been through has not only made me stronger, but better. I hope that's true. There are always going to be things that work my nerves. There will always be things that I feel the need to vent about. As much as I want this blog to reflect the growth a woman can have throughout the twists and turns that life has to offer, this will always be my place to vent. As much as I'm not setting out to offend people, sometimes, I guess it can't be avoided. Not without a major filter, and the day I start filtering myself, is the day that this blog serves absolutely no purpose. So, yes, I'm happy. Yes, I'm growing, but yes, I still have a long way to go to perfection, and I'm still a woman who's been through a hell of a lot due to the stupidity of a man, so eff em if they can't take a joke..... I'm allowed a snide remark every now and again.

So, this Spring Break, I will have the days to myself and the nights with my man. Sounds pretty perfect. I'm doing some spring cleaning, some running and some blogging.  I'm hoping to catch up with some girlfriends, and catch up on some chick flicks.... maybe even read a good book.... any suggestions? I was thinking about downloading Hunger Games on the Kindle.  The kids will be back Friday, so it's really just a work week that I have to fill...after that, the babies are back, and my crazy life returns to my crazy normal.

So for the next few days, I will blog...I will catch you all up on my life.... our wedding is getting so close! I'm so excited! My bridal shower is just a couple of weeks away! I can't wait to see all of my girlfriends!!! Everything is just moving so fast right now! In the blink of an eye the "wedding of the year" will have come and gone, and I will be Mrs. Patterson.... thank goodness, because the sound of "Mrs. Beal" is nauseating....

Life's short. Buy the shoes ;)

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